Saturday, September 5, 2009

Getting around

Personal transportation is obviously an essential function of operating in the modern world and also one of the major contributors to increasing greenhouse gases. Getting around during the average rush hour is bad enough, but typically roads are even more clogged before and after many disasters.  Transportation is going to be just one more of the things that is complicated by an infrastructure that is compromised due to it's lack of systemic maintenance and overcrowding. But options are increasing for people who are looking for alternatives to get around with an innovative approach to design and style.

While the vehicles I looked at for this post could hardly be considered practical for the daily commute, they nevertheless  have the ability to operate well in inclement weather or in moderate off road situations and could be considered options under certain circumstances. So, what do some of the currently available GreenZoneSolutions for getting around look like?

Schwinn Electric Bicycles
Perhaps the best design feature of Schwinn's new line of electric assist bicycles is that they don't scream geek when someone rides one by. At first glance, as a matter of fact, one may not even realize that these bikes even have anything extra to assist the rider with long rides or hills. The motor is cleverly - almost invisibly - built into the front hub and a low profile battery mounted on the rear rack. While none of these bikes will take home a trophy at next weekend's singletrack scramble, they are all built with features that make them more equipped for the potholes and curb jumps of an urban environment like front suspension forks, shaft drive, and racks & fenders so you can bring along your gear while staying a little cleaner and drier.

Zero DS Electric Motorcycle
Gotta go a little further or a little faster? Check out the Zero DS all electric motorcycle. According to the manufacturer, the DS is built for on and off road riding and has a range of about 50 miles, will fully recharge in less than 4 hours using standard 120 volt household current and reach a top speed of 55 mph - all without the noise of a regular motorcycle engine. Available accessories include lighting kits and luggage boxes.

Polaris Ranger EV
Side-by-side utility vehicles are quickly becoming very popular for work and recreation purposes. All of the major manufacturers now produce one of these carts that is larger than an ATV but smaller than an SUV. None are legal for street use. Until now, all were powered by gas or diesel fuel.

According to Polaris, the The 2010 Polaris RANGER® EV Electric-Powered Side-By-Side is the leader of the electric mid-sized side by side class. This clean & quiet vehicle dominates the competition with its unmatched ride, 25 MPH (40.2 KPH) top speed, and 50-mile Range (depending on a variety of factors) — making it the perfect mid-sized electric side by side for farming, ranching, hunting, and recreational riding. Key features are:
  • 30 HP 48-Volt High-Efficiency AC-Inducted Electric Motor
  • Smooth Independent Rear Suspension (IRS)
  • Mid-Sized Design - Fits In A Full-Size Pickup
  • Plug Recharge With Standard 110v AC Outlet

Raser Technologies Hybrid Hummer
Finally, would you believe a 100 mpg Hummer? Check this out: According to their website, Raser Technologies is working on a hybrid Hummer with a range of 400 miles. While it is still just a concept, the idea is seems very interesting and could actually see the street at some point. Again, the style might appeal to everyone but clearly comfort, reliability and design were clearly part of the decision making process in this project.

So if you're looking for a vehicle the is built to withstand some abuse and is powered by a renewable resource and you have happen to like knobby tires, these vehicles might be for you. Renewable, Reliable and Remarkable

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